A Stripped-Down Version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Takes the Stage at A Noise Within

“Street theater on a stage” is the central idea behind “Romeo and Juliet,” Shakespeare’s classic love story that opens at A Noise Within in Pasadena on Valentine’s Day, appropriately enough. The production, which is a sort of “minimalist” retelling of The Bard’s famous tale, will be performed on selected dates through May. The 17-member cast stars Will Bradley as Romeo and Donnla Hughes as Juliet, and is directed by Damaso Rodriguez, a guest artist from Portland.

Rodriguez, who has ties to the Pasadena theater scene through his former artistic director position at Pasadena Playhouse and as co-founder of Furious Theatre, said during a recent interview that his interpretation for this particular production of “Romeo and Juliet” had its genesis on a recent trip he made to Cuba. While there, Rodriguez explained, he saw a traditional Cuban play performed in a small house, the actors wearing their own clothes. He continued, “The play seemed to have been produced with no budget: stage lights consisted of bare light bulbs in tomato cans, and the props were miscellaneous found items supplied by the actors themselves. The emphasis in that production was on the story.”

So it is in that vein – story over spectacle – that Rodriguez staged “Romeo and Juliet” at A Noise Within. In lieu of lavish period costumes, the actors will wear their street clothes; props, like the low-budget Cuban production, will consist of odd miscellany the actors happen to come across; and although the performance happens on a stage, the setting is a drab street alley decorated only with garbage cans and walls covered in graffiti. This “stripped-down” environment, Rodriguez said, will hopefully make the audience focus on the beautiful language of the dialogue instead of the trappings of extravagant scenery.

“Romeo and Juliet,” of course, is probably the most famous love story in history. The tale, which sees the couple fall madly in love despite the ongoing feud between their respective families, is an inimitable blend of passion, anger and conflict. And whether theatergoers are familiar with the tale or not, this version of the tragic love story will leave them spellbound.

Romeo and Juliet” will take the stage at A Noise Within on select dates from Feb. 14 – May 8. View performance dates and purchase tickets here.