Entertainment Voice is a digital publication based in Los Angeles and New York City. We are a clear leader in providing top entertainment news and coverage, featuring quality journalism and design. Our digital platforms give our readers an easy-to-navigate and clutter-free experience, offering entertainmentvoice.com users convenient and stress-free reading. 

We pride ourselves on providing our readers with the best in entertainment and travel news, allowing entertainmentvoice.com users to stay informed on what’s new and what’s next. Entertainment Voice focuses on a wide range of entertainment coverage that reflects the biggest and best of what is happening in film, television, music and theater & stage, along with offering our readers an insider’s look into top travel destinations around the globe. 

Entertainment Voice is available on all digital platforms, with mobile applications launching soon on iPhone and Android devices.

Meet The Team SubHeader

Monica Gregg – Executive Editor

Sandra Miska – Film & Television Editor

Tony Sokol – Film & Television Editor

Alci Rengifo – Contributing Editor

Contributing Writers

Adi Mehta, Alci Rengifo, Andrew Bundy, Jonny Whiteside, Kelly Fay, Sandra Miska, Stephanie Hernandez, Todd Gilchrist, Tony Sokol

Contributing Photographers

Brandt Vicknair, Cindi Jean, Dave Gould, Jeff Jacobs, Kelli Hayden, Nick Paruch, Robert Paul Cohen, Stuart Levine

Contact Us: 


8560 West Sunset Blvd Suite 500
West Hollywood, CA 90069

747 3rd Ave Second Floor
New York, New York 10017